#1: Who is EQE Training for?

Anyone who wants to pass EQE Papers A & B! Actually, our aim is not only for you to pass these exams, but for you to pass them really well; with marks of at least 55% so you can even take advantage of compensable passes if the other papers don’t quite go to plan.

This course is specifically designed for candidates who are enrolled and eligible to take their EQE. This is because our aim is to make you an EQE Athlete® meaning that as the course comes to an end, you’ll be absolutely at the top of your game in perfect time for the exams the next month.

If you’re not at that stage yet, then you’re still welcome to attend, but it would be better to wait until you’re about to sit your EQE.

#2: Who are the tutors?

Guy Warner and Iain Russell, who are also the founders of EQE Training. You can find out more about us here.

We’ve been tutoring EQE candidates together ever since we qualified, and we’ve spent the last 10 years helping people just like you pass Papers A&B.

When the 2020 EQE was suddenly cancelled we immediately launched the FreeEQE webinar series covering all EQE papers, helping over a thousand candidates from all over the world get back to match fitness.

We’re passionate about developing the European Patent Attorney (EPA) profession, always have been, always will be!

We take huge pride in the hundreds of people we’ve helped pass Papers A&B over the years. The personal recommendations we’ve received have meant our tutorials were always fully booked, with multiple extra sessions being scheduled to keep up with demand.

But we always knew there was more we could do if we set up a training course ourselves. The overwhelming feedback we received from the FreeEQE webinars really solidified our desire to do something different. That’s why we founded EQE Training.

#3: What is EQE Training?

EQE Training is a completely new approach and training programme for EQE Papers A & B. It’s an extensive and intensive 12-week training programme that will take you from zero to elite level for these papers. It’s specifically not a ‘condensed’ revision course.

#4: What’s different about EQE Training?

We believe that passing your EQE is a marathon; not a sprint. It’s our role to make you elite-level EQE Athletes®. We’ll train, develop and coach you to a level you might not think was possible. Your success will be founded on strong exam technique, robust templates, and lots more past paper practice than any current revision courses we’ve seen offer.

EQE Training is different by design. We don’t try to compress these papers into just a couple of days or weeks. Our aim is to cover every vital aspect of EQE Papers A & B to ensure you get the best possible marks. We give you the time to consolidate your learnings and to ask us questions offline between sessions. We use technology to give you the best live training, but without the need to travel. You’ll have a Mock Exam session to stress-test and apply everything you’ve learned.

We haven’t seen anything else out there that will give you this level of in-depth training, and the opportunity for you to apply and develop that training with the help of dedicated and experienced tutors every step of the way. 

#5: What's the format and schedule?

Training is divided into two parts; one before the Festive break, and the next at the start of the new year.

Part 1 runs from November to December and can be summarised as “Extraction, Subtraction, Execution”. You’ll learn our proprietary exam techniques and strategies, understand how to avoid Grade Cliffs®, and receive our sought-after answer templates – with everything tailored for the eEQE format. After Part 1, you’ll know everything you need to pass EQE Papers A & B. But that’s only the start of your training…

Part 2 runs from January to February and is “Application & Perfection”. You’ll apply, develop, practice and hone everything you’ve learnt in Part 1 to ensure you’re peaking just in time for the EQE in March. We’ll work with you through at least 8 past papers, facilitating group discussion on key issues and learnings – culminating with a Mock Exam experience for EQE Papers A & B 2022.

And we’ll be here to support you every step of the way until the EQE, and beyond!

#6: What’s an EQE Athlete®

Being an EQE Athlete® means you’ll be at the top of your game in perfect time for the exams in March. When the results come out, you can imagine yourself standing on a podium with the EPA medal round your neck. See our Podium Promise®.

#7: What’s the Podium Promise®?

The Podium Promise® is what really sets us apart. You can read all about it here.

#8: What does EQE Training cost?

Please see the Bookings page for information on costs.

#9: How can I become an EQE Athlete®?

We hope you realise how much we want to help you on your EQE journey and help you become an EQE Athlete®. If you’re ready to register for the programme, you can do so on our Bookings page.

#10: What times do the sessions run?

Please see the Timetable on the Timetable page for more details about the course timings.

#11: Where does the course run?

The course is run live, and online.

However, it’s designed to be fully interactive and, as much as possible, just like a face to face format.

#12: Is there any geographical limitation for participants?

Absolutely not!

This course is suitable for and available to all EQE candidates, wherever you’re based.

We’ve welcomed candidates from Germany, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Portugal, Italy and the UK.

#13: What if I miss a session?

Don’t worry!

Although every session is interactive and delivered live, they will all be recorded and made available afterwards so candidates can revisit and review. And if you’ve missed anything, that’s where you can catch up too.

We’ll also provide copies of all the presentations and other learning resources from every session so everything’s available for you throughout the course.

#14: What language is the course?

The language for the course and all associated materials will be English.

#15: Is the course open to all nationalities?

Yes, absolutely.

The course is available to all EQE candidates irrespective of where they are based.

#16: How will you adapt to the proposed changes to the EQE?

The new format of the EQEs is expected to launch in 2025.

There is a major consultation underway, the transitional provisions have yet to be written, and new REE/IPREE are to be expected.

There is therefore a fair amount of uncertainly and there is no doubt that our training programmes will need to adapt for the new EQE format.

Please be assured that we are actively engaging with the process, participating in the consultations, and testing the new materials as they become available

Throughout this, we are striving to understand the new format of the exam, designing new training programmes, and planning for how best to support candidates for this new format.

#17: Do you cover the other EQE Papers?

Currently, we only cover EQE Papers A & B.

For the Pre-examination and Papers C & D, we suggest considering the various packages offered by Zsofia Pintz here.

#18: Do you offer bespoke training for EQE Papers A & B?

While we’ve designed our EQE Papers A & B training programme to provide comprehensive theory and practice preparation for EQE Papers A & B, we’re happy to explore bespoke training if it doesn’t quite meet your needs.

For example, you might be an employer offering in-house tutorials for EQE Papers A & B and you might just like a few extra sessions from us on tools, techniques and templates we use.

If there’s something you’re looking for that isn’t exactly what we currently offer, do get in touch.

#19: Can candidates sign up directly, or they have to sign up through an employer?

Yes, candidates can join the programme as individual consumers, or businesses can sign up and enrol candidates.

Our Terms and Conditions include one set of Terms for business customers and another set for individual consumers. Please ensure you have read, accepted and agreed to the correct set of Terms when signing up for the programme.

#20: Do you have any testimonials from previous candidates?

Yes, we’re delighted to have received numerous testimonial from previous candidates. Please see our Testimonials page.

...Any other questions?

Please use our Contact page to send any questions you might have.

Last Updated: 15 September 2023