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EQE Preparation Seminar Series - July 2024

In July this year (2024) were were delighted to run our FREE EQE Preparation Seminar Series to help candidates prepare for the 2025 EQE. Huge thanks to all our guest tutors giving their time to help the profession: Hannah Auger, Kirsty Dolphin, Kathryn Rose, Guy Warner.

This series contained 5 separate Seminars:

SEMINAR 1: EQEs – Out with the old, in with the new
SEMINAR 2: EQEs – Preparing for Papers A & B
SEMINAR 3: EQEs – Preparing for Paper C
SEMINAR 4: EQEs – Preparing for Paper D
SEMINAR 5: EQEs – Preparing for the new Foundation Exam

Please see below for details of these Seminars and all the recordings… 

SEMINAR 1: EQEs - Out with the old, in with the new

  • All you need to know about the changes to the EQEs and the impact it will have on candidates. We explain the new EQE format, the transitional arrangements and the roll-out plans, and the requirements of the 5 new modules (F, M1, M2, M3, & M4).
  • Most importantly we provide broad advice on how existing candidates can best train and prepare for the EQEs under the existing Paper A, B, C, & D exams and this part leads into the rest of the Preparation Seminar Series

SEMINAR 2: EQEs - Preparing for Papers A & B

  • Here we use the structure of EQE Training’s Learning Programmes to give deep advice on how candidates can give themselves the best chance for passing Paper A (Drafting) & Paper B (Amendment).

SEMINAR 3: EQEs - Preparing for Paper C

  • Advice on how candidates can best prepare for Paper C (Opposition) under the existing EQE format. We set out the requirements of this Opposition Paper as defined in the Exam Regulations and then detail the key components of the techniques needed for Paper C.

SEMINAR 4: EQEs - Preparing for Paper D

  • How candidates can prepare for Paper D (Legal Questions) under the existing EQE format. We also set out the requirements of Legal Papers D1 & D2 as defined in the Exam Regulations and provide the key components of the preparation needed for these exams, including syllabus, timelines and techniques needed for both parts D1 and D2 of Paper D.

SEMINAR 5: EQEs - Preparing for the new Foundation Exam

  • This Seminar introduces the new Foundation Exam which will run for the first time under the new EQE format in 2025. We explain the requirements of the new Foundation Exam as defined in the Exam Regulations and detail the key components of the preparation needed for this exam, including syllabus, timelines and techniques.

EQE Compendium Shortcut Tables

The EQE Compendium is an excellent and vital resource for anyone taking the EQE, but it can sometimes take a few clicks to get to the right resource there.

To save a bit of time in navigating the EQE Compendium, we’ve compiled these shortcut tables for EQE Papers A & B, which we hope you’ll find useful.

We’ve gone back as far as 2010. If you find these tables handy and would like us to expand them to include all past years in the Compendium, then please let us know here.

EQE Paper A Compendium Shortcut Table

Paper AExaminers' Report(s)Candidate's Answer(s)
2021 epi MockLinkLinkN/a
2018LinkLink 1
Link 2
2016/2017 EPO MockLinkLinkN/a
2016 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2016 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2015 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2015 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2014 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2014 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2013 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2013 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2012 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2012 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2011 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2011 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2010 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2010 (E/M)LinkLinkLink

EQE Paper B Compendium Shortcut Table

Paper BExaminers' Report(s)Candidate's Answer(s)
2021 epi MockLinkLinkN/a
2016/2017 EPO MockLinkLinkN/a
2016 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2016 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2015 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2015 (E/M)LinkLinkLink 1

Link 2
2014 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2014 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2013 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2013 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2012 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2012 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2011 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2011 (E/M)LinkLinkLink
2010 (Chemistry)LinkLinkLink
2010 (E/M)LinkLinkLink

Pass Rate Graphs

Below are graphs showing the pass rates for EQE Papers A and B from 2017 to 2022. Please note that these only show answers that received a PASS mark; answers that received a COMPENSABLE FAIL are not included.

Paper A

Paper B

Free EQE Webinar - How To Prepare - Pre-examination, A, B, C & D


EQE Training coordinated a free webinar (available below) on how to prepare for the Pre-examination, and Papers A, B, C, and D.

This webinar included short presentations on materials, resources, and tips that EQE candidates may find useful for their preparation for each exam.

The webinar also included a session on exam wellbeing.

The webinar schedule was is as follows:

– Introduction – Iain Russell (EQE Training, Russell IP)

– Pre-examination – Kathryn Rose (Venner Shipley)

– Papers A&B – Guy Warner (EQE Training, Unilever)

– Paper C – Paul Beynon (Appleyard Lees)

– Paper D – Kirsty Dolphin (Venner Shipley) & Hannah Auger (Venner Shipley)

– Exam Wellbeing – Charlotte Martin (Boult)

– Q&A / Discussion

We are very grateful to Kathryn, Paul, Kirsty, Hannah and Charlotte for giving their time for this webinar.


EQE Training was delighted to host a LinkedIn Live Free EQE Webinar (available below) on how to prepare for the Pre-examination, and Papers A, B, C, and D.

This webinar included short presentations on materials, resources, and tips that EQE candidates may find useful for their preparation for each exam.

The webinar schedule was is as follows:

– Introduction – Iain Russell (EQE Training, Russell IP)

– Pre-examination – Jonathan Hewett (Venner Shipley) and Kathryn Rose (Venner Shipley)

– Papers A&B – Guy Warner (EQE Training, Unilever)

– Paper C – Paul Beynon (Appleyard Lees)

– Paper D – Kirsty Dolphin (Venner Shipley)

– Q&A / Discussion

We are very grateful to Jonathan, Kathryn, Paul and Kirsty for giving their time for this webinar.

5-In-5 LinkedIn Live Sessions

We’ve started a series of free LinkedIn Live sessions called ‘5-In-5’. In them, we aim to share five tips on EQE Papers A & B in just five minutes. We’ll share recordings of the sessions on our LinkedIn page here, as well as below.

Session 1 - 21 July 2022

Session 2 - 14 September 2022

Session 3 - 27 September 2022

Feature Table

A feature table is one of the most useful tools for EQE Papers A & B. Below, we’ve provided a basic feature table that you might like to use as a basis for your own. To understand how to use and personalise the feature table, and to see it applied to actual past papers, please register for the EQE Training Combined Papers A & B Course.

Free EQE Webinar Series

The recordings of, and materials from, the Free EQE Webinar Series 2021 coordinated by EQE Training founders Guy and Iain are available on the Russell IP website here.

Brian Cronin YouTube Videos

Brian Cronin has a series of YouTube videos on the EQE, including some on EQE Papers A & B, here.

EQE - Guide For Preparation

The EPO has produced a free Guide For Preparation for the EQE. As well as containing general information on the EQE, it contains several sections specifically on EQE Papers A & B. Please see here for information on the Guide, or here for a PDF of the guide itself.